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Fez's Diary
by Fez

previous entry: Cheer up my amigos...

Jaz is a cheater.


Fes is hurt. Mizz Fez (Jaz) confessed that I may not be the father to our 8 beutiful puppies. I walked on in them boom booming. My best amigo TAQUITO and her had boom boom many, many times while I was mowing lawns for a living to pay for our straw hut, while we were applying for public assicstance. TAQUITO you are supposed to be mi amigo, why wood you do dis to meh? I am ddeply hurt. If TAQUITO is the father I want to bring are pups to the pound! Maybee I am overreacting some who knos. On a high note, I got to hear da perros bark in Jazs tummy today. She has been doing weird things lately, she was scratching all over for flees and eating dog food. I pray Jaz dont turn into a dog now.

previous entry: Cheer up my amigos...

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