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Fez's Diary
by Fez

previous entry: BP PLEASE SAVE ARE WALRUS!!!!!!

next entry: Cheer up my amigos...

Were having puppies!


Mizz Fez just came back from the doc today and were proud to let all of are friends knoe that were having PUPPIES! There are 8 of them all in Mizz Fez right now, 3 boys and 5 girls. I cant waite to be a father, I am am mucho proud papi! Doc told Mizz Fez to eat plenty ov halipinyo and ice cream. It makes her set off these very exsplosive smelly farts. Shes been up the wall lately, like such a bunta.

Todat I put my sombraro in the ocsean to see if I could sail away from her and I sunk. She laughed. Pregnant women such a bitch what do I do, need to escape, need to escape.

Fez go loco, FEZ GO LOCO!

previous entry: BP PLEASE SAVE ARE WALRUS!!!!!!

next entry: Cheer up my amigos...

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Lol puppies.

It's not very nice to call Missus Fez a bitch.
She's going through a very ... peculiar... and hard time right now.
<3 Sarah

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