
ryc..oh, ok! I've encountered quite a few Kaylee/Kaleigh/Kaley/Cayleigh/and every other way imagineable to spell that name, until now! very beautiful and unique!
[*Stealth Bombshell*]
friendship baby quilt...love the idea. if only I were craftsy!!
ok...I can usually decipher most anything phonetically, but tell me...how are you prouncing the baby's name?
[*Stealth Bombshell*]

pm me your address? I love this idea!! Also will you be having a mothers blessing? Could send you a bead at the same time.
[~*Pagan*~ ]
dang..I haven't been here in so long, everyone's changed names!! Took me a sec to figure out who you were! lol I'm so happy about your pregnancy! When is your due date? boy/girl? names/??
[*Stealth Bombshell*]
Dude. I deal with that from my ex. Who i haven't been on the same continent with in 5 years!! Its like seriously. Get over yourself. I have a life now. Ugh.
[Morning.Glory ]
they're not advertised as training nappies here at all, they're advertised as easy up nappies, like nappies you can put on standing up and take off by ripping the seams, just an easier nappy for wriggly toddlers, well thats how i've seen it anyway.
but nevermind.
yeah i understand that, when the time comes we're not going to bother with training pants anyway, its just it would be far easier to put her in a nappy i can put on standing up than laying down now (like pampers do easy up pants here)
what a weirdo!!
hey do you do like nappies that pull up and down like pants? i'm looking for a change now i think bored of ours. lol