So here I find myself writing another entry after another full week of being generally lazy before school gets started tomorrow. I would say this was a successful week in the world of training for 13 miles of torture. Though I did cave on Friday and bought a pack of cigarettes. Lucky for me when I lit up I was immediately repulsed by it. But I managed to smoke the entire thing while contemplating how gross it was. I don't really understand, especially since I didn't even feel better afterward. I was mostly just frustrated with how it wasn't as nearly satisfying as I was hoping for. I then proceeded to a stressful meeting that made me want to smoke again, but instead I went and got on the treadmill and did my two miles for the day. Which made me feel way better. I left the pack with my trusty neighbor and told her to do whatever with them. I'm guessing her roommate will probably end up smoking them, which is cool cause I like him, but it's still sort of nagging.
Anyway Saturday we did a nice 9-mile hike that was actually kind of intense since I had consumed many an alcoholic beverage the night before and found one more cigarette to smoke while intoxicated. Fully regretted those cigarettes. But the hike was nice because there's this weird thing that happens in AZ where the weather gets really nice in February and then takes a huge dive back into a winter-type status in like March. I won't complain though. Sunshine is rejuvenating.
Hmm... let's see. This weekend is going to be stressful so I hope I don't turn to blowing a butt. I did this silly thing last year where I ran for the position of being the student representative on the Board of Trustees at my little hippy school and now I have to fulfill a bunch of responsibilities that I have to keep reminding myself are actually positive. Mostly because they're giving me insight into the incredibly convoluted parts of this school. But also because it's preparing me to go off into the world and be slightly more calloused toward convoluted things. Or something.
And then there's the whole 'that time of the month' thing creeping up on me. I always turn into the uber bitch scary i'm-gonna-rip-throats version of myself the week before. Combined with watching TV and crying at the silliest of things... I can't really imagine what life would be like with a pregnant version of me. I kind of shudder at the thought. Wow, period rant. Hopefully I don't break down again and seek satisfaction in dried, processed plant leaves that don't taste very good in their pre-fabricated form. Or at least they don't if I'm not sucking on them every hour on the hour.
Ok, on a more optimistic note this whole goal thing is becoming more and more feasible the longer I stick to the plan. Even though it's only been like two weeks I still feel good about it. I think it helps that I've told a few people about it. I still haven't registered for the race, though I should look into that tomorrow.
And I think that wraps up everything I needed to say. I hope all of you reading this have a lovely Valentine's Day week if you have someone to be gushy with. And that the rest of you lone-wolves look around and realize that there are a lot of people in your life that love you very much even if it's not in that awkward storybook-halmark-card-roses-are-red-way. I know that's what I've got going for me year after year. (I just realized that I've never actually spent a Valentine's Day with a significant other. In my only relationship so far we were still doing the long-distance thing the first VDay around and had broken up by the time the second one came around. Though we were definitely still fucking like rabbits... hmm...)
For sure this time I'm finished. Just wanted to leave one of my favorite songs at the moment. The Police have been playing constantly in my house and it's a nice trip down memory lane.