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Girl of Green Eyes
by Momma 'n' McNizzlett

previous entry: That sucks

next entry: Thank you Universe... and you too... ya i'dgit.

i gets a rat


I don't want to go to work today.
That's a lie... I don't want to go to work at all.
I miss my stupid not a boyfriend. Hanging out with him helps to remind me that life won't always be so damned high school.

My school (being full of mostly females) is very dramatic and loud and someone is always crying.
It's ridiculous.
You'd think that a group of adults could get along without wanting to kill each other.... not so much apparently.
We have another round of finals coming up again.
So everyone is stressed and freaking out about everything.

In happier news… Sam’s rat Tinkerbell had her babies.
She only had five so I can only take one… but I might find a small one at a pet store and introduce them.
Because they’re happier in pairs... not sure what I’m going to do about a cage.
I might or might not just buy a topper for the aquarium we have… or I might get a decent sized cage from Target or something.
I have no idea.
I’ve got about 5weeks to think about it.
I’ll post pictures when I go in two weeks to meet the babies so we can start getting them used to handling and everything.

I’m off to check out prices for cages and stuff that I’ll need in a few weeks.

previous entry: That sucks

next entry: Thank you Universe... and you too... ya i'dgit.

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I love rats, its better to get a tank though as then they can't keep you awake all night chewing the bars.

[Transit|0 likes] [|reply]

large groups of women don't always bode well lol.

I'm sorry, but rats creep me out!!!

[CouldBeYou-Again|0 likes] [|reply]

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