I just signed my kid up for house league (under 4) soccer for the summer. She's been registered for school for months. Where has the time gone?! I've noticed recently how grown-up she's sounding. She still struggles with F and L sounds, but she speaks so well now - very little baby talk, all these long and complex sentences. And her logic and reasoning just blow me away. I know she's going to kill it in kindergarten, and she's so excited to go, but I'd be lying if I said my heart was ready for it.
I've been working full time since October, covering a mat leave position. I have been super tired lately, and I really can't say if it's because I've been working more, have a 3 year old, am still recovering from after-effects of radiation/treatment, or a combination of all three. I'm sure I'll never know, but I think it's mostly the first 2.
I'm not sure when I last wrote, or about what, and frankly I can't be arsed to look, but I've been working on weight loss. I'm down nearly 50 lbs, but can't seem to get those last few off. I managed to maintain, and actually lose a pound or two over the holiday food frenzy in December, but then January came and I've been stuck. I've been losing and gaining the same 2 pounds all month. It's frustrating, but I'm going to keep working at it. I literally forgot until yesterday that there's an employee gym at my hospital. It's small, and nothing fancy, but I'm sure that I saw it on a tour back when I had orientation 6 years ago. I'll have to ask someone where it is, because I've been working a lot of 7-3 shifts lately, and I don't like to pick Piper up until 4:30ish (because they have outside playtime 3:30-4:30), so it would be a great (free!) way to get a workout in while I kill some time.