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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?

next entry: don't you feed me lies about some idealistic future.

it's been a long time since 22.


John Mayer was so good! He's fucking brilliant and played 2 incredibly solid sets.


Hanging out with Lauren and Jake was so fun! We didn't do anything particularly special, just some hotel drinks and dinner before the show, but even that was so fun. Josh and I don't get to hang out with each other, let alone with another couple, without Piper or a set plan/time limit very often. It was super relaxing, and we had some great laughs.


When we got back today, I had my touch up appointment for my eyebrows. I'm praying that they heal perfectly. I cannot believe how much more I've liked my face, and how much easier my get-up-and-go routine has been the last 5 weeks, since having them microbladed the first time. Fuck cancer, fuck chemo, I have eyebrows again! (Or at least, the illusion of eyebrows).

previous entry: do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?

next entry: don't you feed me lies about some idealistic future.

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You know, it's always the small things. You go. Beat the shit out of it. Illusion or no, you're still going. No greater victory than everyday.

[Supersword|0 likes] [|reply]

Yes, fuck cancer! You’re one strong woman.

[*Pixie*|0 likes] [|reply]

I know!!!! It’s surreal. I’m pregnant but have taken zero tests that say so 😂

[.like.a.drug.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Okay your response is absolutely perfect and I love the idea of him being referenced as Carl Paxson Jr to the 4th Carl Paxson. Lily and I plan on calling him Carl. Pax wants to either be a set Pax or Paxson and then call him what he isn’t referenced to. I told him it will all be easier said than done and once he’s here it will be better for us to make a decision then

[head.above.water.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I’m trying to designate our tall bin for dirty clothes and for lugging back up to the apartment and having a basket for each of our clothes to at least toss the clean stuff in to. Lilys really good about folding & putting her clothes away, but we have a really similar situation, clothes will mostly stay in the baskets clean and never put away or only Paxs will be put away or vice versa. I’m trying really hard to use CP5 and my biggest excuse because when he comes there will be no rest for the wicked or time to get behind on the laundry unless if I want to actually go insane lol

[head.above.water.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?

next entry: don't you feed me lies about some idealistic future.

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