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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: back to back like i'm on the cover of lethal weapon. [photos]

next entry: you used to call me on my cell phone. [photo]

get on up.


had my ob appointment this morning. bean's heartbeat is still steady and strong, my measurements are fine, and apparently i'm "welcome to give birth any time". the ob i saw today is on call this weekend and said he'd love to deliver my baby then. i'd like another week (at least), but whatever happens, happens. starting next week we'll do a membrane sweep, and one the week after if i still haven't gone into labour. it's insane to think that even if it comes down to an induction, baby will be here in 3 weeks, hopefully less.
i think i was having some braxton hicks contractions last night. i kept having dreams about labour and my water breaking, and when i got up to pee my abdomen was so hard. it was weird. i was sort of panicky for a minute like "is this happening? is it baby time for real?" but everything passed and i slept a few more hours. things were totally normal this morning.
i've had my hospital bag packed for a couple of weeks now, but i think i'm going to go through it and make sure i'm still happy with what's there. i know i'm just being a spaz, but whatever makes me feel ready, right?

previous entry: back to back like i'm on the cover of lethal weapon. [photos]

next entry: you used to call me on my cell phone. [photo]

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How far along are you?? I thought you were a month behind me. Do they consider full term less than 40 weeks in Canada or something? I'm confused why your OB would be talking about sweeps already.

[*Pixie*Star|0 likes] [|reply]


[unusual_gem_appeared|0 likes] [|reply]


[holleighreneaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

baby is gonna be here soooonnnn!!! AHHHHHH!!!

[Kate.Monster|0 likes] [|reply]

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