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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: all my bags are packed, i'm ready to go. [photo]

next entry: get on up.

back to back like i'm on the cover of lethal weapon. [photos]


time is marching on. i'm at the 37 week mark, which means that baby could make an appearance at any time, tho i don't see it happening any time soon. of course i'm just as happy to let the little one bake a bit longer, i'd just like to avoid a situation where i go over and have to be induced. no sense worrying about it tho, at this point whatever is going to happen will happen. i keep thinking about pixie, and wondering if her little guy has shown up yet. i think shit will be that much more real for me once he has. or maybe i'll go early and she'll go late. i guess we'll find out within the next few weeks.
i'm seeing my obs weekly now. all of my measurements are right on track, baby's heartbeat is still strong and regular [and high - wives' tales point to girl]. baby is running out of room in there, but is still nice and active. last tuesday after my appt, my friend jessie was working in ultrasound, so i waddled down the hall while we both had a break in patients and asked her to take a quick peek at babe. honestly, i just wanted to see where her bum was, because i wasn't sure if i was feeling it, or something else. she didn't look long in the bum area [neither of us wanted her to accidentally see the sex] but she took at a look at the face while we were scanning, and you guys, my baby has hair! did you even know that you could see hair on an ultrasound? i didn't! but there it is. now i'm super curious what colour it is - my guess is dark.

i've got 7 shifts left at work, spread over 2 weeks. i actually picked up a couple of shifts this past week, because as nice as it was to be down to single-digit shifts left, the money and seniority hours are too important to pass up.
i'm sleeping a lot lately, and i'm honestly not sure if it's because i'm genuinely tired or just because i have the time to do it. likely a bit of both, honestly. i treated myself to a massage just after my birthday, and went for my regular pedicure last week. i'm sure it'll be the last one for a while, so i made sure to really relax and enjoy it. i should get my hair cut sometime this week as well, i'll likely put it off like an idiot tho.
joshua's grandmother sent us a box of things for baby, and it's all so cute! there were receiving blankets, as well as 2 handmade hats, a blanket, mittens, and a sweater. she told us in advance that the sweater would be too big to wear right away because she has trouble with such small patterns, but i think that's just as well because what baby wants to be bundled in a heavy sweater in july? it has the cutest little details like bunny buttons and a pompom on the hood. i'm in love with it! i'm so glad that we chose not to find out the baby's sex, because it means avoiding all the pink and blue clothing [for now - i'm sure that lots of traditionally gendered clothing will come after baby arrives]. i am loving all of the sunny happy yellow things, and neutral greys with little lambs and elephants and the like.

[thanks (great-)grandma shirley]

[look at those little buttons!]

[and the pompom on the hood]

[belly @ 36 weeks]

previous entry: all my bags are packed, i'm ready to go. [photo]

next entry: get on up.

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My little one is still baking! We actually thought he might show up early last Monday, but he ended up waiting. My appointments are weekly now too, started at 38 weeks. My midwife said he's super low and in the perfect position, so who knows how much longer I have.

I love that stuff. How cute!!! I really love homemade things. There is so much thought and heart that goes into them.

[*Pixie*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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