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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire
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internet confessional 3.0
by girlsetsfire

previous entry: ain't it fun living in the real world? [photos]

next entry: all my bags are packed, i'm ready to go. [photo]

you wake up, flawless. [photos]


my baby shower was yesterday, and it was wonderful. it was so great to see my girls, emilia did an amazing job of organizing everything. there was so much food, i basically ate all afternoon. oops. we played a few games, but nothing too awkward or ridiculous. and of course baby and i got spoiled. it was basically perfect.
naturally, i forgot to take many pictures. there are none of me with friends, because as soon as guests arrived, i put my phone down like a polite idiot. i don't even have a picture of how cute i looked. oh well, i'll post what i manged to snap.

[pre-party, enjoying the sunshine]

[cute spring nails]

[i loved this theme! not only is it cute on its own, but josh and i have called each other bee forever, and call the little one our baby bee]

[some of the food. there was a whole second table with more snacks and drinks]

[emilia made these honey vanila cupcakes with honey cream cheese frosting and they were amazing!]

[gift aftermath, because of course i forgot to snap a photo of the gift table before i unwrapped everything]

[7 votes for girl, 5 for boy. i guess we'll find out in about 7 weeks]

[diaper cake. apparently the friend who made it guessed baby is a girl]

[we asked that people give books instead of cards, so we've got a solid start on the baby's library. also, the owl nightlight and bee humidifier are the most adorable things!]

[newborn diapers are so teeny tiny! opening a package today was one of those "omg shit is getting so real" moments]

previous entry: ain't it fun living in the real world? [photos]

next entry: all my bags are packed, i'm ready to go. [photo]

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It all looks so cute, it sounds like a lovely time.

[amyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I love the pictures! I am glad you had a good time at the shower. Those cupcakes look and sound so good!!

[*Pixie*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Baby stuff is SO CUTE. IT KILLS ME.

[Kate.Monster|0 likes] [|reply]

Looks like it was a great shower!

[Tuesday's ChildStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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