this was a productive weekend, thanks in large part to my awesome parents and husband. lots of stuff got done around the house, mostly smaller jobs, but they were starting to pile up and i'm so glad to have them taken care of.
i have a clothesline now! i've wanted to put one up since we moved in, but it was never something i really pushed. the baby was a great catlyst tho, and my parents "gave" it to me for my birthday. now i can't wait for a nice sunny day so i can have some fresh line-dried sheets.
mom and i cooked this afternoon and got a solid jump on freezer meals for when baby comes. i've got a stew thing that josh loves, all ready to dump in the crock pot. i also made a couple of mexican lasagnas and a pasta bake with chicken and veggies. i've got extra pasta cooked for macaroni and cheese, so tomorrow i'll throw together the cheese sauce, mix it up, and freeze that. sometime this week i'll make slow cooker pulled pork, portion it, and freeze it. between all that, and things already hiding in my freezer, we should be set for a solid bunch of meals once baby comes and i don't feel like cooking.
i packed my bag for the hospital today. there are likely still a few things that i might add, or switch out, but i feel better knowing that if i had to go to the hospital right now, i'd have my bases covered.
the only thing that i really wanted to do this weekend that i didn't get around to was installing the baby's car seat. but whatever, a lot of other stuff got done, so maybe i'll do that tomorrow.
joshua's mom gifted me some cleaning services for my birthday, which i am so excited about. josh had them come and do an estimate while i was sleeping after night shift a few week ago [sneaky!] and the plan is for them to do a thorough clean once before i'm due, and then i think 2 "maintenance" visits after. i think that is such an awesome gift! of course, my mother-in-law phrased it in a way that made me think it was sort of a slight -- something like "i guess you don't have as much energy as i did when i was pregnent" -- but i will take that jab any day of the week if it comes with a maid service. it honestly doesn't bother me at all.
my feet/ankles have been swollen the last couple of days, and my sciatic nerve on the left is trying to test me, so i'm just trying to take it easy, and hoping that it doesn't last the next 5 weeks. if it does, that's life, and i'm taking it as a reminder that the end is getting closer, but it would be super if these pains would just piss off.
for anyone following along, here's what the bump looked like at 34 weeks: