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#1 Beauty Tip: Smile!
by GlamourCheck

previous entry: What's in my makeup bag?

next entry: LUSH Haul

MAC Haul


#1: Studio Finish Concealer

Best concealer I've ever used! It says it will cover up tatoos, I'm not sure how well it really would, but it works great for blemishes.

#2: Lipstick in Hue

This is a pink-y nude color. It's completely gorgeous. When I wear foundation my lips look very pigmented and I always just want them their natural color. Hue definitely let's that happen.

#3: Lustreglass in Pinkarat

Definitely doesn't go on as pink as it is in the bottle. In fact, I didn't notice any color whatsoever. It's very glittery, though. Even after you take it off there's still glitter. I'm not sure how I feel about this one yet.

#4: Lustreglass in Love Nectar

This is definitely my favorite lip gloss of all time. You can definitely tell that there's a color on your lips when you put it on. It's not sticky at all. It's gorgeous.

I also ordered a lipstick in Angel, but it sold out right after I placed my order and it will be shipped in a couple of weeks. I would go to Macy's and pick one up myself, but people get crazy around MAC! It's like going into Forever 21...people are all over the place. So, I'll just wait until it comes in the mail.

crayon box

previous entry: What's in my makeup bag?

next entry: LUSH Haul

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