I am so looking forward to my traditional boxing day lunch. It used to be mum's traditional cold turkey and gammon with mash potato, beans and pickles. However I've always hated that dinner and as of three years ago I have come up with my own boxing day dinner and that is....turkey and coleslaw sandwich. Nom Nom Nom, it's not exactly a big meal but I love it. So that is my tradition, if I ever do marry in the future my husband can make his own boxing day dinner if he isn't satisfied with mine. Or just go to mum's and have her dinner. Mwhahahahaha. Love it. Although I do want some potato salad to go on the side because that's yummy also.
We'll be watching films later I suppose, although for christmas I got Harry Potter lego again and I love that game it's so addictive. It's going to be hard to drag myself away. Just going for a shower was bad enough, I quickly washed my hair and then went back on my x-box. Hmm, no wonder I'm single when the main love in my life is my games console and books.