I hope this is enough. I hope that an e-mail is all I need to do in order to cancel my purchase because I don't have the money...
: closes eyes and takes a dee breath :
I managed to keep this panic attack from occuring since I first woke up this morning. And I've done what I can about the other 'problems' I was facing:
My attempt to get past the Parental Code on my second-hand Wii has led to be swearing up a storm. I got my reply back from Nintendo, I had to give up on calling them as their phone lines were always busy and all I need to do is give in my Master Key (which is the number that shows up when you fail the Pin and the answer to the Secret Question), an ID to prove I'm over eighteen, my name and number. Unfortunately the scanner that my dad so helpfully left behind has decided that it won't do the nice thing and let me scan and save it in my computer. Nope, it not only won't scan the photo properly of my passport, but also will only give me the option to print it. When I finally got it to at least scan, then it wouldn't print it in any reasonable clarity. I could sort of get my photo, but nothing else would come through.
So I had to give up. I'll have to do it tomorrow before I start work as they have a fax there. I can also fax my details over in order to get the confirmation over-ride.
And the other 'roblem' was exercise. I needed to do something as I can't get myself off my ass to return to EA Active or even Wii Fit. So, I decided that I would do a walk around the area. I did a hour walk.
I've lost all of my steam. I'm still panicking. I still feel as though the walls are closing in and that I need to do something to release it all. But...
I won't be sleeping tonight. I know that, but I do have to go to work tomorrow. I need all the money I can, and it's only for five hours.
I can handle five hours.
I can.
I just need to keep telling myself that and hopefully...hopefully that will be enough.
Otherwise I won't only be missing five hours tomorrow but also the entirety of Saturday, which is actually one of my Full Days.
I hate this.
I just want to crawl into a ball and scream and cry.
I hate this world.
Kya |