Twice I have been told that I act as though the 'world revolves around me'. Maybe it's because I have a tendency of just wanting to be able to spend some time with my friends and if they suddenly ignore me because they've all of a sudden have a boyfriend, of course I'm going to be a little annoyed. There was no reason for the rest of the group of girls (at that time I had actually thought they were my friends) to bitch at me like that.
Of course, I can easily say it now as when I look back, I realise tht they treated me like shit. At the time, I was desperate to keep the friendships going, and so would take anything if it meant that I could actually have friends. What I should have done was dump their asses and jut chosen loneliness.
It would have still been a shitty couple of years (and made me hate Cairo even more) but at least then I'd be able to look at myself with some respect.
Not exactly sure how this topic came up in my head and demanded to be thought through. But it did late last night, and so I decided the best course of action was to actually write it down. It's what my therapist used to always say, and it's the reason why I keep a notebook by my bedside. It's for any story ideas as well, but also when I become 'troubled'.
So, here's the result and I will end this little visit here on Bloop once I've put my other entry up. That one is to make me laugh, as I really need it right now.
Kya |