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Often Found Lurking In Soup
by Lunar Sea
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Often Found Lurking In Soup
by Lunar Sea

previous entry: Here We Go Again

next entry: Need To Hold It Together

Happier Things


Yesterday I met a little thing for the second time.

Seven months old, and she was absolutely adorable. The child of two of my older friends, she is the happiest, smiliest, most chilled out baby known to existance - which, given who her father is, is unsurprising. He also is the most chilled out man I know - unless you should suggest that Mission To Mars is scientifically accurate in which case you might get a three hour rant.

I didn't hold and hug her because I'm still poorly and I didn't want to risk it. I don't think I'll still be infectious, as I've been showing symptoms for over a week now, but it's worth being on the safe side when they're little. Wanted to, though.

Shall definitely have to nip down to see the niece over the holidays at some point.

previous entry: Here We Go Again

next entry: Need To Hold It Together

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