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Often Found Lurking In Soup
by Lunar Sea
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Often Found Lurking In Soup
by Lunar Sea

previous entry: Today I Am...

next entry: Happier Things

Here We Go Again


That feeling that I'm spiralling out of control - that I don't know who or what I am, or what to say, or what to do.

It's not conducive to writing essays.

previous entry: Today I Am...

next entry: Happier Things

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I am paranoid too sometimes, yo. Like, I often don't believe people when they tell me I'm being paranoid! I think they are just looking through rose-tinted glasses! And sometimes I think I am right, like even now in retrospect, knowing I'm sometimes paranoid, I also know that sometimes people can lie to keep things all nice and rosy on the surface. Like, I think sometimes it really is impossible to know - I don't necessarily think that means you're losing your mind.

[Estella the ElderStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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