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Who I Am...
by LostInMyOwnMind
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Who I Am...
by LostInMyOwnMind

previous entry: I dont get it...

next entry: Um. Yeah. Hai.

Really?? Its been 3 years??


~*~ Erm. Im back, kinda ~*~
I simply cannot believe its been 3 years since I last was here writing. 

So much has changed. SO MUCH. 

Like in January, the apartment I was so excited to get 5 years ago, I start packing and getting ready to move again.... 

Or, like my losing my uterus due to cancer....

Or, like my having to have another biopsy because of possible breast cancer.... 

Or like my losing my job last Oct, over a year ago now..... and finding a new one, as of April this yr....

Holy  shit. I need to update so much more. 

But right now? Im back bitches. God help us all..... 

previous entry: I dont get it...

next entry: Um. Yeah. Hai.

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Welcome back! And holy crap. That sounds like an emotionally heavy three years!

[.Kismet.|0 likes] [|reply]

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