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Who I Am...
by LostInMyOwnMind
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Who I Am...
by LostInMyOwnMind

previous entry: Really?? Its been 3 years??

next entry: Please say a little prayer.....

Um. Yeah. Hai.


~*~ Oh. Hai. ~*~
I said I would start writing more... then I drop off for several months again. Sighs.

Things have def changed over the last few months. I met someone who loves me AND my son. 

I did the biopsy, and it was negative. Thank Goddess. I dont know, even with someone as good as the man in my life now, could have pulled me back from the brink of that again... once was hard enough, and painful enough. Twice, surely, would have been a death sentence. 

But, thats behind me now. I am getting healthy. The infection is gone that we were worried about. And now, my family is complete... as am I. 

I am, for once in many long years, truly able to say I am happy. Things havent gone so smooth for me in too long... 

I have company coming out wends, from Chicago. Im excited for that too. Itll be fun to have her here, show her Colorado. Shes never been here, so it should be fun. 

Anyways, thats about all I have for now. I have a kid to put to bed. LOL. Im going to try to get updating more, but, I cant make any promises. 



previous entry: Really?? Its been 3 years??

next entry: Please say a little prayer.....

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I've never been to Colorado either

[.erodium.|0 likes] [|reply]

glad it wasn't anything serious.. glad ur finally happy!!

[MoonLight1983|0 likes] [|reply]

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