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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse
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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse

next entry: request for some help and ideas

Joined again, wonder if I can keep it up


Well fellow bloops, I have returned for the third time since I have discovered this site in 2003. My first diary was kept up well with poetry and stories throughout my high school career, but when I went off to college, it fell apart due to circumstances in my life that have made the muse of poetry leave my presence and manifest more into my artwork. After realizing that I missed this site and the friends I have made here, I rejoined the second semester of my freshman year, in hopes to rekindle my love of poetry and reconnect with my friends. This did not last long, I'm afraid, and got lost in the clutter of my mind that was desperatly trying to keep track of projects, papers, friends, and life in general. Now as I approach the final semester of my undergraduate career, I hope that this diary will help me through the physical, emotional, and mental obstacles that I will be facing. Wtih my current boyfriend going overseas to study in England, as well as most of my other friends at school, preparing for graduation and applying for grad school, I am hoping that keeping this diary up will help me through my insanity and emotional pitfalls by connecting with others here who may have experienced something similar in their lives. As well as writing about the day to day, I will be posting my artwork as well to keep things exciting, because I'm sure my life isn't that exciting to be honest. Who knows, maybe some poetry will creep back in? I wouldn't hold my breath on that one though. Anyways, I feel that my "first" entry has taken enough of your time, I shall return to my daily life, which includes doing the laundry. *sigh*

next entry: request for some help and ideas

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welcome back to bloop!.

[BabyKix & BraxtonHiXStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back! -True

[True|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back to Bloop.

[[accepting.change]Star|0 likes] [|reply]

welcome back. my name is Jonathan. I think you will find that some things maybe have changed around here, however, you will also find the same old teen drauma and all that goes with that. I hope you will stick around for a bit and this will be used to ease your mind.

take care and have a good day

[A RedSox Fan|0 likes] [|reply]

welcome back!

[Saoirse|+|SiochainStar|0 likes] [|reply]

welcome back!

[*Amour De Bebe*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back to bloop

[*A Trucker's Girl*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back!

[Mommy_Bunny|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome back!
This is my third diary on here =P


[x_explosive_x|0 likes] [|reply]

Joining again, claiming it's your third time, and doing artwork - are you EYE-lee-uh again by any chance, yo? Actually, no, you can't be, because there are no threats against people who correct your grammar in the wrong way! Welcome back, anyway!

[Estella the ElderStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Welcome to bloop

[fullofdreams0418|0 likes] [|reply]

welcome to bloop

[x_explosive_x|0 likes] [|reply]

next entry: request for some help and ideas

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