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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse
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In Search of Inspiration...
by Artistic Muse

previous entry: Joined again, wonder if I can keep it up

next entry: Good night my love

request for some help and ideas


Thank you all for your warm welcome back . Not sure how many of you would remember me. My name is Karen, and I used to be Lost Vampire on here. My name on bloop changed frequently, not sure if you all would have known me on here before or not. I am glad to be back, and would like to wish everyone a happy hanukkah, merry christmas, happy winter solstice, happy kwanza, and if i missed any holidays, i apologize and wish you all the best. if anyone can help me out with the layout of my diary, with codes and whatnot to make the frontpage and the entries looking great, that would be amazing! also, if anyone has any ideas of what i should write about, or if i should start posting up my artwork, i'm open to anything thanks all!!


previous entry: Joined again, wonder if I can keep it up

next entry: Good night my love

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