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My Quest to Weight Loss
by ---->Signed.... Love

previous entry: Energy for Weight-Loss....

next entry: Success @ Weight Loss



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I must admit, I'm getting really lazy and discouraged. I don't feel like I'm losing any weight and I have been going to the gym every day faithfully, except the last two days. I've been trying to find my motivation and look at some supposedly inspiration stories on youtube. I guess, really didn't find anything that could really motivate me. But starting tomorrow, I'm gonna try my weekly challenge all over again. I get so fed up with myself because I see people losing between 3-9 pounds a week, yet I can't even lose a measely 3?? Gawsh. This totally sucks ass. I know my eating habits are like a major set-back but with me being unemployed and living off of my mother, it's hard to go grocery shopping every week for healthy foods. And for some reason, the healthy foods seem to be the most expensive. Jackasses! It's like they want people to be fat. Gawsh. Anyways, so yeah tomorrow and this upcoming week, I'm gonna try eating more healthier, fruits and veggies along with lean meats. Hopefully cut out bread all together. I can see already that this is gonna be a long journey for me. But I know with the support of my girlfriend and my bloop-supporters, I'll make it through.

Another day of great sex... just had to throw that in there. Ha. Lol... That should be a workout exercise too huh? Chea.

Hopefully, we start school this semester. Time is just passing us by and we both had big dreams which we need to get started on NOW. I don't wanna be 30 just receiving my BA. Lol. Blah...

Anywho, I really need some motivation guys, weight loss tips, exercise tips... whatever. Just help me out.. PLEASE


previous entry: Energy for Weight-Loss....

next entry: Success @ Weight Loss

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Have you joined Sparkpeople? Its great for daily motivation. And if you use the nutrition tracker its like a full time job putting in the foods you eat every day lol. It motivates you because you'll go to eat something and think "I can't be bothered searching for that on Spark so I just won't eat it" or you think "this is going to screw up my numbers."

Google it. Its helping motivate me.

[Just Surveys|0 likes] [|reply] is great. and most people only loose 1-2lbs a week. that's all that's healthy. anymore then that and it comes back really easy. make sure your eatign enough/not to much. Thats where sparkpeople can help!

[Mommy2Aiden|0 likes] [|reply]

I was going to recommend spark people, too, but I see that other people have already done so! It really is a GREAT resource for those looking to lose weight... It has helped me tremendously!!!

[Aubrey;|0 likes] [|reply]

Mommy2Aiden is right, 1 - 2 pounds a week IS what's healthy. Yes, the weight that people drop on "biggest loser" isn't unhealthy, either, but without having that healthy food around, or the gym and personal trainer, you kinda' gotta do what's best. Your calories need to be calculated to your weight, and make sure you watch them. PAIN in the ass, yes. Milk fats don't help, either.

I know it's hard, I've seen a lot of people struggle. It'll get better.

[momma to be♥|0 likes] [|reply]

You're welcome. I'm just really proud of people that take control of their life and their weight. Instead of being like everyone else that just keeps putting it off. "If I had more time..." MAKE time, ya know?

Anyways, keep up the good work. It's really hard at first, but once you get started, you won't want to stop.

[momma to be♥|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Energy for Weight-Loss....

next entry: Success @ Weight Loss

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