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~LoveTheWayYouLie's Diary
by ~LoveTheWayYouLie

previous entry: Perfect Nightmare...

next entry: I love the way you lie...

My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...


So i am like super excited for this weekend...i have a date with a guy who I used to date like 3 years ago. He found me on facebook and everything has been going super good. We talk every day and its like we never missed a beat! I can't wait! I'll fill you all in on Sunday hopefully and tell you how it goes! Keep your fingers crossed

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previous entry: Perfect Nightmare...

next entry: I love the way you lie...

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Aw, that's sweet and exciting. I hope ya'll have a good time <3

[already gone.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Random Reader: Have fun!!! Hope it goes well

[Kerri♥BlueStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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