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~LoveTheWayYouLie's Diary
by ~LoveTheWayYouLie

previous entry: My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...

next entry: To the boy who has my heart...

I love the way you lie...


Sooo the date that was supposed to take place this weekend did not happen. Actually in all honesty I got ditched! I am so upset!!! We were supposed to get together last night and have dinner and whatever else we decided to do. Well i txted him to see what time he wanted me to be ready because we never had really set a time. Well he wouldn't text or call me back! So finally he decides to text me back like 2 1/2 hours later and says "well maybe we can get together tomorrow night..." NO! we can't get together tomorrow night because i cancelled everything that i was supposed to do tonight so that i could be with you. So i got super mad and decided that I wasn't going to waste a good Saturday night and so I decided to go out to the local bar with my friends for a friend's 21st birthday and I ended up having an amazing time! So to say the least I dont know what to do with this guy at this point...any thoughts?

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previous entry: My First Kiss Went a Little Like This...

next entry: To the boy who has my heart...

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I'd say he struck out! That's totally lame. But I'm glad you had a good night regardless!!

[imaginary ordinaryStar|0 likes] [|reply]

He sounds like a real douche for ditching you through a text. I'd say just move on but you have to do what's in your heart. At least you still had a good time that night though.

[already gone.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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