As I clicked to write a new entry, I realized that I might have food poisoning. Bleh. So on a brighter note, I got my husband a Doodle Bug, which is a small, gas powered mini bike. It's finally running and he can get to work on it. I feel pretty horrible. I just watched a mini series called Chosen. Pretty good. It has that one guy from Heroes, Nemo something. My house is a mess. I haven't done much since I have been sick with the flu. Just got over it. Then I mysteriously got sick a little bit ago. It was quite sudden. I did eat some fish that might have been bad. Maybe, I don't know. I wished I could decorate my pages and stuff but honestly, I am not good with computers. Even if someone tries to explain it, I'm probably gonna do it wrong. I need someone HERE right in front of me doing it before I will probably know how to do it. I did figure out how to put pictures from my camera on here, but that's pretty easy. Plug it in. That's it. I need to buy a memory chip for it, but I don't know how to tell what size I would need. I will get help with that. It snowed about an inch finally. It's ALWAYS colder in Febuary than December in Delaware, but people act so suprised. And the stores are wiped out of bread and milk. I think I'm gonna draw. I just finished my gesha zombie painting. I love it. |