And I have been for days
Yesterday was the worst, poor Jimmy. I snapped at him constantly. Might be because of this horrible decision hanging over my head,
I can either give up and go home, not get a degree and live for a few years in my mums house working some dead end job and hoping theres a light at the end of the tunnel.
Or I can stay here being miserable and dreading each new day because of more work I cant do, and equally hating myself because a lot of my days are unproductive and i just want to earn my own money.
Or I might be angry because of being so poor and having to spend jimmys money cos i have none of my own. but right now I have no fags, cant go out, cant get biscuits and generally living like a pauper.
I have the money alright, but its reserved for something much more exiting than dumb groceries