So Jimmy came down, and I walked up to meet him but my legs are short and I can't go very fast. We met half way, then had to walk back to tiptree cos thats where the alcohol is it. It was totally awesome, we (almost literally) lived out my fanfiction, except as Jimmy put it "we're not drunks, we're not fat, and i'm not going to ask you to put anything near that hole"
Which made me crack up, because he was speaking as if he was the one representing Hidan here, and originally he was the one that gave me the inspiration for the whole fic. Our brains must be linked or something. A wierd linky brainy thing.
Ahh headache, thats what u get for too much sleeping.
But yeah it wasn't even cold, and there werent any yobbos down the ramps cos we WERE the yobbos. Drunk a bit, beating the old fear. I refuse to live a life ruled by fear, so screw the worries and i drank and smoked like good! ha ha
Jimmy peed
oh dear this milkshake has made me hyper.
But yeah we got a cab back to good ole witham, which I much prefer to tiptree. I just like walking round witham. And we got some chips and some sauce that tastes like mac donalds pickles. I used to hate those things SO BAD! I remember I hated em so bad I spat one out on colchester high street. Then my friend rach ate it. no kidding! Anyway its strange how my tastes have changed since i became veggy.
Yeah so we walked past the big railway tracks and I was afraid to cross em, but I always win out over fear. Was fun! Then we went to sleep together, he had to get up and go for the last day of work, and i stayed in bed. Just living it up in his house really, feels like I got a second familly here!