ocument type="layout" layout="sock puppets" layout_href="http://www.bloopdiary.com/viewentry.php?id=56362&num=11" author="lithium layouts." author_href="http://www.bloopdiary.com/viewfront.php?id=56362">
the sock puppets | | will inherit the earth. |
| Back From Outer Space.
This kinda came by chance.. me writing on the 13th and my last entry was on the 13th of last month..
It's FRIDAY the 13th.. creepy, I never actually found it to me unlucky or creepy, but somehow it is always placed in my mind like that, but the thing is no one here notices except for me. Heh.
I've been back from Grimsby, England, the town of the sleepy people, for about 10 days now and already I've started my Summer semester.. bleh. It's going to be one hell of a challenge though with the courses I'm taking and since I'm nearly a fourth year, there are hardly any courses left to take and I kind of have to take these anyway, but taking them all together at the same time is the challenge..
HARD!! I'm taking 4 majors, a minor and an department requirement elective... which is completely messed up. So I'm screwed. I'm telling myself i can do it.. so i don't get depooofed and do really badly. Plus my GPA will seriously be affected. :|
Blah Blah Blah.
In other news, I made a strawberry cheesecake and its so yummy and I love baking things and making desserts, rather than actually cooking veggies and stuff, it's more fun and creative.. Ooh and I started practicing decorating cakes.. hehe it's tough, but so much fun!!!! my children are going have so much fun!!! I hope.
Oh and yeah since I brought up the baking thing, I'M OBSESSED WITH THE COOKIE MONSTER!! from sesame streeet, I love him!!! I got a helium balloon 2 days ago with him on and I'm obsessed and I bought a t-shirt, that says make cookies, not war with the cookie monster in the midddleeeeeeee!! me loveeeee!!!!! hahaha.
"COOOOKKKKIESSSSSSS!!!!! Hm, nmnhjg hmhmh hm.....
Oh and I've decided since it's been absolutely aaaaaaages since I've painted and drawn thing, that i should start again, because I can somehow feel my skills slipping away and I need them, plus it's my way of relaxing and releasing thoughts and whatever else that inside of me, usually happy ones though, I don't draw good when I'm mad.
OoOoh, today Sherif, Maha, and Yousef tried to teach me how to drive a manual car!!!!! hahaha!!!!
I was scared shitless, and my feet we so confused!! MANUAL is crazzzzzy, but everyone makes it look so easyyyyyy!!!!! But I was preetty good at it, the car didn't stop once from me.. SOO KOOL!!!
Anyway I'll stop ranting and randomly talking about anything that pops into my head... and I'll go to bed now.. Got to get up early 2moro, I'll try and update as soon as possible..
[Mahila] O_o
| lithium layouts.