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Inside mommys head!
by Mama2Bella

previous entry: Welcome Baby Georgey

next entry: RIP CAYLEE MARIE!

babii takes off to follow a deer!


so georgey is still aliveeeeeeeeeee! =)
spent my day taking care of him & bella.
went to therapy only to find out i missed it by a 1/2 hr. go me. ugh. rescheduled for the following thursday.
so after gary came home we had dinner & then went over for dessert at ariana & brandons. it was fruit salad. but nummy! lol then we went home n i got bella changed for bed, had a bottle & she went to bed a little early. so i took the dogs out. starting with babii. normal leashed walked til aftr she pooped when i stupidly let her off the leash to run to the door(like she normally does) but instead she saw a deer & ZIIIIIIIIIIIP! took off after it!! so after yellin for 6 min i ran inside to get gary. he ended up having to stay at home cuz of bella but my neighbor in 5 looked up n down our rd n my friends did too. and even neighbors from around the rd. i screamed. and cried. and pleaded with god to bring my girl home!
so i was walkin with ariana n her niece with flashlights when brandon came home from his sisters. so they took off to look from the car. i kept walking...and crying. i finally decided i was gonna go home n post something on facebook for friends who lived near the area. gary was at the door, tearyeyed. i cried in his arms n we went inside and i got babiis blanket n just started crying n apologizing to gary. and crying her name. then i got up to see if brandon n ariana had returned and as soon as i got to the door...THERE WAS A MUDDY BABII!!!! i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo happpy & so was gary!!! we cried n hugged her muddy self! then bathed her! then talked about how lucky we were that she came home.
so shes sleeping now. exhausted from her adventure. im tired but i just wanna sit with her. cuz i cudda lost my babii tonight. i thank god i didnt!
always have faith guys! never give up!

sleep sweet.
stay sweeter. <3

previous entry: Welcome Baby Georgey

next entry: RIP CAYLEE MARIE!

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