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Musing, notions, thoughts and random ramblings
by Man without fear
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Musing, notions, thoughts and random ramblings
by Man without fear

previous entry: You know, the Chinese use the same word for crisis as t

next entry: Weekend update

swirling thoughts...


This transit strike here has gotten me to thinking....but it's all a jumble.

i think what bothers me most is the helplessness of it all, i've been living on my own for a *long* time now i'm used to being the master of my fate to a large degree, i've made some bad decisions and had to live to the outcome, but those were *my* decisions.

Now i'm in a situation where i have no choice at all, i'm at the mercy of the forces in this ridiculous pissing contest and NO ONE SEEMS TO GIVE A FUCK THAT I'M THE ONE GETTING SHAT UPON!

And i makes me angry....i do what i want to do, i live how i want to live (so long as no one else gets hurt) but this tiny band of people are fucking with my life in a major way, and it's just damned unfair, and so damned disempowereing.

One of the tenants of democracy is that my right to put out my fist ends at your nose. Meaning that you can do pretty much whatever you want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, but these peoples actions are punching an entire city in the nose

..............and that's not right.

I've expressed a great deal of anger towards the Union, and i do think that the lions share of the blame belongs squarly on the shoulders of their leadership. But that doesn't mean that the people on the city's side are doing any kind of a decent job.....there seems to be no interest to help the citizens of Ottawa this is a major crisis and the Mayor and city council seem content to twiddle their thumbs and do nothing at all.....and that's not right either

-good night and good luck.

previous entry: You know, the Chinese use the same word for crisis as t

next entry: Weekend update

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