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Hidden Depths
by Zombie Mark
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Hidden Depths
by Zombie Mark

previous entry: NoJoMo 2020 - 04

next entry: NoJoMo 2020 - 06

NoJoMo 2020 - 05


Writing Prompt
If there was one thing that you could do perfectly and never fail at it, what would you choose to do?


Sleep evades me when I want it, creeps up on me when I don't want it, and doesn't stay around enough when I need it to.

I'm pretty sure that I suffer from sleep apnea, but I refuse to get it diagnosed. I don't want a breathing machine to be on my records.

previous entry: NoJoMo 2020 - 04

next entry: NoJoMo 2020 - 06

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Hubby has sleep apnea. Slept better with his machine but it's like sleeping next to a fighter jet pilot and the machine can be loud. He no longer uses it.

[Greta GarbageStar|1 like] [|reply]

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