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Hidden Depths
by Zombie Mark
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Hidden Depths
by Zombie Mark

previous entry: NoJoMo 2020 - 10

next entry: Sleeping Issues

NoJoMo 2020 - 11


Dad was a lot better today, not great but better.

I ended up going to Mums for a few hours, done a few things around the house for her etc - it was nice to just hang out with her again.

I wasn't able to do it for a while because there was a covid scare at my brothers work place so I refused to head to mothers (or anywhere for that matter) until my brother got the all clear from his test.

She made me din dins too! It was lovely. When I left mothers I headed to the store and brought some chocolate to give to Dad when I got back to help cheer him up. He seemed over the moon about it...

previous entry: NoJoMo 2020 - 10

next entry: Sleeping Issues

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glad dad is better today and you got to see your mum!

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: I'm an esthetician, specializing in skincare and I have my own storefront studio.

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