As I write this on my way 2 work on the bus (work in downtown) I find out my ex wanted me back in my life I was down for that but she needed to make changes on a few things witch she said yes to but within the last few weeks she lead me on by changing the damn conditions and now she want to marry a fucking tool that she can control I hear that he likes hanging with her sister cousin and her cousins tool of a boyfriend I told her I can hang with the sister and the cousin not cousins tool of a boyfriend and it's like she wants it her way or no way and yes I know she has a bloop and honestly her fiancée is a tool and always b a damn tool and she knew I was in a bad realtionship and she knew I wanted to try again but I wanted middle fucking ground but she needs it her way or it's a fucking no and I want her back the reason we split cause she fucking gave up on the realtionship and yet she's in one that she can mold in her favor but I want a realtionship where it's 50/50 not her way or the highway deal but I want to know what makes a person give up on 5 fucking yrs for a fucking tool cause I know I did everything almost right and yet I put up with a lot of shit and honestly I do want her back I want her to be my wife and I'm willing to give up all my fucking dreams of having kids (I'm an only child) just to have her back and I'm in madly in love with her but she wants that tool so I know if she marries that tool I'm just done it will finsh breaking my heart in two |