Arghhhhhhhhh I am in such a bad mood right now, bloopies!
Over the weekend the cat has developed a love of pulling up corners of the carpet on the stairs and chewing it. I mean, wtf? And she does this ALL THE TIME SHE INSIDE. If you move her away, she will run back two seconds later and start again. IT IS DRIVING ME INSANE. Eventually, I lose my rag and put her somewhere (the conservatory or outside). She then sits next to the door and meows until I let her back in again, but within 5 minutes she is back on the stairs again. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
My Mother is getting really angry about this too (even though it's me that keeps having to get up and stop Archie!) and she keeps going "I never wanted a bloody cat anyway BLAH BLAH BLAH". This is categorically untrue since after we lost Maisie she was the one that suggested we get a kitten!
My stupid assignments for my Masters are due in a week, and my essay is only 3/4 done, my simulations aren't running properly (and the ones that have run properly I don't understand) and I haven't done the reading for my third article at all.
Typing this out actually didn't help at all. But what would help would involve knives and guns and WMDs and is illegal, so. |