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My True Self
by Scared & Alone

previous entry: Mad

next entry: Inside My Head!



I try to love myself but i hate what i see. I feel ugly, not loved, insane. How can you truly love urself? I try to be a good mother and wife but i know i'm not. whats wrong with me? I love both of my guys but i know thats not enough sometimes. I just wish i was normal!

previous entry: Mad

next entry: Inside My Head!

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spokanite made it for me she's my lover she rarely makes them

[Girl_interupted|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm lucky that my girlfriend understands my illness but my exfiancee and my exhusband definetly didn't i've been hospitalized 11 times now the sad part was my exfiancee had mental health issues to and like to use them as excuses for his bad behavior

[Girl_interupted|0 likes] [|reply]

It is SO hard when you can't see the beauty in yourself and you think you aren't worth things. But I promise you, you ARE worth it and you need to start believing it. Even if you just believe it a TEENY bit, that's a start.

[SugarNSpice Surveys|0 likes] [|reply]

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