If you don't know, or don't care about the Warhammer games, feel free to skip this, as it won't make much sense.
Last night was my friend Josh's birthday, so we met up with Ryu, Kinsey and Ben and went to Bennigan's. Why? Because it's tasty. Anyway, after that, we went over to Ryu's house to play Warhammer Fantasy, which is very similar to Warhammer 40K, just (as the name implies) in a more fantasy setting. Ryu started to explain how everything worked in the game so I could join in and showed all the different armies I could use. I decided to go with the high elves, due to the number of attacks, and general coolness. We squared off as Ryu and Ben starting facing each other on one side of the field, Josh and I on the other side of the field. Josh immediately started laughing that I had chosen elves to go against his ogres, comparing them to being "meat in a can." It was at this point that I started whooping his ogres asses. I rolled decently well and wounded almost every one of his untis to the point of fleeing, at which point, my elves shot them in the ass for the win. The only ones I didn't kill were his lead belchers (ogres with cannons) who both, at the same time, misfired so hard they blew themselves up. The only reason I didn't sweep the board after that was Ben's dwarves managed to flank me and wipe out most of what I had at that point (dwarves are scary freakin melee fighters) except my Phoenix Guard. The Phoenix Guard held their own against one of the toughest direct combat units in the game, even when flanked, due to their 4+ ward save that came after the armor save. So for my first time playing, I kicked some ass and went home with the knowledge of exactly what to bring in a 2000 or 3000 point game. For the sake of time, this one was only a 1000 point game.
Anyway, that's how it went down. I will continue using the high elves and whooping josh's ogres and mocking him for it at the next game.