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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: SLC Punk!

next entry: Filled mostly with lies..

Bloody Tags


A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.

B) Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
1] i don't know
2] eight people on here
3] most people i know
4] have been tagged
5] or done this already
6] so that pretty much
7] just leaves
8] XO Heather

What are your nicknames?
Ferret seems to be the only one in use anymore

How do you style your hair?
i soak it and either spike it or lay it all back

What's the last book you read?
Technically, Eclipse, but I'm in the process of reading Clockwork Orange

What color shirt are you wearing now?
Black, with ninjas on it.  Oh yeah.

Are you an introvert or extrovert?
total introvert.  My idea of a good time generally involves video games and or books.

Is your ear itchy?
not in the least.

Do you nap a lot?
With all this time on my hands and the worst sleep schedule of anyone i know, i tend to nap more than might be considered good for me.

Who was the last person you hugged?

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

What was the last thing you ate today?
Macadamia nut cookies

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Not long.  unless i have nothing to do that day.  then i stand in the shower and just enjoy the scalding hot water til it gets cold.

What websites do you visit daily?
facebook, projectplaylist, bloop (more or less), redvsblue, xkcd, somethingpoitive, questionablecontent

What's the last movie you watched? Either in the cinema or at home.
Resident Evil

Do you like to clean?
Not usually, but sometimes i get this insane urge to clean EVERYTHING at like 2am

What time is your usual bedtime?
Ranges from 10pm to 3.30am.  Erratic like.

What cell phone model do you own?
Sprint Katana II

What is your favorite weather?
Warm and storming

How are you?
tired...but i can't lay down, cuz Vern and Tegan (Kelly's kitties) are on the couch and I haven't the heart to make them move.  They're so freakin cute.

Where would you see yourself in ten years?
hopefully much farther down the road than i am now.  and married.  that would be good ^_^

previous entry: SLC Punk!

next entry: Filled mostly with lies..

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lol you know you can move vern and tegan so that theyre laying next to you or on top of you. they love to cuddle. LOL

[Ice VampireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I have gotten that stupid cleaning urge too.

[ijdStar|0 likes] [|reply]

HAHA I LOVE YOU! I was tagged, but I haven't done it (yet). Now I will go read your answers LOL!

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm glad you'll be seeing her on Christmas! I was asking because you haven't spoken about her much on Bloop lately. But I'm glad you two are still together, and well

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

Why did her mom turn off yours and Lindsay's phone? I'm sorry that you can't see or talk to her very often. That's a tough situation to be in.

[xo heather|0 likes] [|reply]

No! I wasn't going to sex him...yet... LOL. I was just curious as to why he's chosen to not have sex. Lol.

[Ice VampireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Haha dude. I get that insane urge to clean sometimes too! Wooooo

[kel-sy|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: SLC Punk!

next entry: Filled mostly with lies..

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