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-Neurotically Yours's Diary
by -Neurotically Yours

previous entry: Causin Much Destruction

next entry: Veddy Niiice.

We Are Kings Among Run-Aways


It's been a long day.  And the day is only going to get longer.  I put in an 8 hour day and after I eat some dinner, I'm back off to the work site.  I didn't get nearly enough done today.  At least, I'm behind my own schedule.  After tearing up all the carpet and the layer under it, tearing out the trim and pulling out the doors, dropping cabinets, tearing up floor tack and starting work on the bathroom yesterday, I expected to get much more done today.  Instead I spent about 6 hours pulling staples out of the floor.  Turns out the under layer of carpeting is held down by staples driven as hard into the floor as possible to keep the stuf down.  It also makes pulling them out a pain in the ass.  And I had to do it so the floor is smooth when they put the new carpet or paneling or whatever they do in.  So I spent the majority of the day prying staples out of tile and wood.  Yay.

I listened almost exclusively to The Decemberists album Picaresque all day.  I only switched after lunch (around 1.30) and I'll probably listen to it a few more times today.  I need one of their other albums, but til then I'll wear this one down, hahaha.

In other news, I have been playing Doom II on the old computer, since the new one won't run it.  I just got to the point that Hell is literally appearing inside the spaceport I'm in, so the difficulty got cranked up a few notches automatically.  This means giant fuglies coming at me with chain guns THAT FIRE ROCKETS.  As if this weren't enough, after I killed those I had to deal with spiders THAT DID HAVE ACTUAL CHAINGUNS.  Not expecting this I died....and then remembered I hadn't saved, so I have to do all that over again.  *sigh*

previous entry: Causin Much Destruction

next entry: Veddy Niiice.

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LOL that sucks.. i can totally smell the ghonoriah from here...

[Ice Vampire|0 likes] [|reply]

This gaming business is confusing. I cannot speak the gaming language LMAO. But that manual labor sounds horrible, especially in the heat. I hope tomorrow is an easier day for you!

[xo heatherStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Good luck with finishing the job. It sounds fun to use a bulldozer :]

[xo heatherStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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