Men like to stir trouble, plain and simple, he may also still be hurt and hopeing that he'll get you back. Hard telling, as far as your friend, tell her to grow up. Just pray and take in a deep breath, see what's around you that you can be thankfull for, family, job, friends. look at the positive side
RYC: yeah he told me last night that he meant it kinda freaked me out though. I just read your entry, and i hate people like your friend, of course your not unimportant you are just as important as any other human in this planet, and she is not a very good friend to make you feel bad about yourself. And im really sorry to hear that you lost your daughter, im really sorry. I hope everything works out for you x
ryc; i don't know... if she has, it's been going on for over a year! she just seems to have changed. and yep, that does indeed happen, and it's a shame, but such is life i suppose. x