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Mini Source's Diary
by Mini Source

previous entry: I keed.

next entry: Staaaaaaaaaaff

Had a stalker


Had a stalker so I deleted. It's taken care of now.

previous entry: I keed.

next entry: Staaaaaaaaaaff

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How dull. You should've stalked 'em back.

[Always EstellaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

lol - i am sorry for LOLing this - i thought it was a SERIOUS stalker - you mean a BLOOP stalker? how can you tell the difference of a the big bad stalker and the person who comes on your diary and never comments? (im curious)

[The Working Wife |0 likes] [|reply]

I'm not sure. What's funny to me is that people think they are all that and a bag of chips, to assume they are being stalked. I read everywhere and don't comment much. Doesn't mean I'm stalking. What would I do with all the worthless information I read of anyway? It's not like we have the FBI, CIA, kkl, or mafia spilling covert info here.
It's repetitive stuff like... I'm pissed, hurt , sad, crushing or bored. Then there's always "what I did today", and Johnnys new baby pic. I've been there, I've wrote it all too. I have to laugh when I read about 'stalking' on here or fb. What we have is a generation of self centered narcissist individuals who think they are real important... Blah


Wats funnier ur not logged in or have one

[The Dreaming Wife |0 likes] [|reply]

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