Off to another day of boring work where I get to work 7 hours straight on my feet....lovely....and here is a random moment from my case you guys need a laugh:
i picked out a pair of white socks with pink dots on them to wear to work today...i always put on my pants then one sock then the shoe then the other sock and that i have on one sock and the corresponding shoe....WHERE THE H*LL IS MY OTHER SOCK?!!! i'm freaking out over a sock! yes, its true that i could go get another sock and then not have a matching pair, not like anyone would care or notice (except for me?) im wandering around looking for my sock. its a straight shot from my bedroom to the living room so how could i possibly lose a sock in a matter of feet? i start looking in places that i havent even been this morning or afternoon and out of the bathroom comes wynnstan (my doggie) with a stuffed animal in his mouth....guess what else he had! MY SOCK!!!!!! he's such a thief! |