Well I'm finishing packing and once the storage place opens I'm headed out there with everything i don't need. I'm so ready! I really want to keep this is my moms but I guess if push comes to shove I can leave it here and try and find a set that matches it? This was the set that my mom used for all three of us so I really want to keep it and I will go to great lengths to do so.
So I'm headed out on my new adventure (soon) and I'm super excited!! I have my trunk packed down with clothes now all I'm trying to do is decide what is super necessary and what can wait for the fall. I already packed half winter clothes and half summer and of course the clothes that will fit me during the early stages of maternity. Damn I'm so excited! New place, new people....I really don't want to leave my bestie...I told her last night that I was just never coming back to work so she needed to pick up my shifts lol. She's so upset! I wish I could take her with me!! Oh well. So I'm determined to get out of here before 3 pm. That gives me 7 hours. Plenty of time to finish packing! And then I have to stop by the library to return the books...I hate being late on a return lol. And then stop by the school and sell back my books. I'm super excited! Extra money!! My sociology test is on friday so I'm keeping that book but other than that, I'm good to go!!