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~Can Only Go Up~'s Diary
by ~Can Only Go Up~

previous entry: Pneumonia

Sick baby


I wish medicine worked faster. For all our advanced technology and we still have to wait a week or so for medicines to work. She doesn't seem to be getting any better though. I know her cough will last a little bit but she's more agitated now than she was before we even knew what was wrong with her. I feel bad b/c we're following the directions to a T and sometimes it's interrupting her naps but there's nothing I can do. She's exhausted. She went to sleep at 10 last night and got up around 9 this morning. That's not really normal for her unless she doesn't sleep all day...which she did. And now instead of eating her bottle, she's pushing it around with her left hand. It just makes me mad that sometimes when I give her the medicine she pukes it up and then I have to give it again! I told them at the ER that she would and she did and she does. I would give her a shot everyday if it would make her better. Part of me wishes that they would let me do that.

My Stick Family from

Birthday Tickers from

previous entry: Pneumonia

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