I can understand that you may not be able to do certain activities and that it is difficult to think about something new to do. I encourage you to explore the list again for something that could possibly be a replacement activity for you. Are there things that you have always wanted to do, but have not had the time to try them? Maybe a 'bucket list' of sorts? What about exercising in the evening? This could be a different thing for you to try instead of the computer activities and it would get you closer to you 5 day a week goal. These of course are just ideas to brainstorm options for you.
Here is an example of the circles used with sex addiction. You can use this for all types of addiction. You are going to want to complete one for eating right now. If you want to use one for the porn use as well, then you can.
I understand what you mean about the circles. My Inner Circle is Web Cam Sex and Phone Sex. My Middle Circle is Using the Internet.. My Outer Circle is spending time with my wife. We have not had sex in 10 years but we are best friends and I love her. I enjoy history and writing however when I get the computer, I tend to favor the sex.