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From the couch's Diary
by From the couch

next entry: May 10, 2015

May 3, 2015



I can see that you have been struggling with some habits that are interfering with your life with other people around you, like your family, and you mentioned your personal health. I am sure that this is difficult for you and you would like to find some relief from this and the anxiety that is creating the panic attacks for you as well. Tell me more about yourself and what a typical day looks like for you. What do you do? Who do you typically interact with? Etc.

The biggest issue looming over me is my health. I went to see an endocrinologist last week to help me get my diabetes under control. He is one of the best doctors in the area but he I very blunt and matter-of-fact. He doesn’t sugarcoat things and is not at all sympathetic to the issues of food addiction. I know I need to lose 40 lbs. He probably wants me to lose more.


I’m not watching what I eat. I was hoping to take baby steps. Start an exercise program then start eating healthier. In order to do any of that, I need to go to bed at a reasonable time, but I like to relax in front of the computer after everyone has gone to bed. This stresses me out because there have been so many studies done to show that good sleep health is important for overall health and success. There are times that I say to myself that I will only be on the computer for an hour; three hours later, I am dragging myself to bed to get only six hours of sleep. I'm usually up looking at porn or sex cams. When I do this, I can’t wake up in time to exercise in the morning. For the last few weeks, I’ve been able to get on the treadmill three times per week. My goal is to exercise five times a week. Some might say that exercising three times a week is good. It is not good enough for me.

Thank you for sharing more information. It sounds like you were very worried about your health, and what you need to do to gain your physical health back. However, you are feeling drawn to stay on the computer, despite knowing what you need to do for self-care. I'm sure this is become frustrating for you because you know what you need to do but for some reason you just are not to do those things. How often do you do this, every single night? How long has this been going on in your life?

I don't do it every night, but I'd say I do it 3-4 times a week. It's enough to throw my sleep schedule off. I've been addicted to some form of sex since my early teens. Sex was a taboo subject growing up, so I learned to get my pleasure in secret.

next entry: May 10, 2015

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