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The Dragon's Lair
by Paper Dragon

previous entry: You are gonna put what wh

next entry: Where did January go????

Another Wasted Year


Yeah, thats pretty much how I see 2008. A wasted year. I could have, I should have done more but me, being me, didnt. Sigh

OK, the endoscopy went well. I got there an hour ahead of the procedure. They prepped me and actually got me into the room a little early. I think the procedure took about 20 minutes. I dont know exactly because the stuff they knocked me out with was great. I wish I had more of it. After the procedure it was back to recovery for a little while then home. All done in under 3 hours. They found two small ulcers in my stomach which they biopsied. I had hope to hear the results by now but nothing yet. Im calling on Monday to see whats up. I did have some problems swallowing the night of the procedure. The doc told me that while he was in there he "stretched a ring" in my esophagus. Not 100% sure what that was all about but I do know there was significant swelling that evening and swallowing proved interesting. Its since gotten back to normal.

I went and saw The Day The Earth Stood Still today. I was underwhelmed. Some of the special effects were pretty good but the story was weak and the acting just ok. Wait until its available on Netflix or wherever you get your DVDs.

My Christmas present to myself was an order from Portillos restaurant in Chicago. I ordered their Italial Beef package. I know Ive mentioned Chicago style italian beef before. I love it. I got my package on Christmas eve. Yummmm

Thats about it for now.

Happy New Year everyone!

previous entry: You are gonna put what wh

next entry: Where did January go????

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Happy New Year

[ceruleandolphin|0 likes] [|reply]

Aim to make 2009 perfect

[Memory|0 likes] [|reply]

happy new year papre dragon! i hope 2009 is a better year- don't wait for life to happen, go out there and live!! i hope you get good news from your tests. all the best!

[Tinkie|0 likes] [|reply]

hope you have a better 2009!!

[Carrie|0 likes] [|reply]

Hey, its Robin... I decided to change my name bc.. different stage in life now. Hope all is well!

[swoopinator|0 likes] [|reply]

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