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by Paris

previous entry: It's Absurd These Feelings.

next entry: New Year

Classy is not my style.


I kissed him!

I had already downed the 2L bottle of Vex before we arrived at the golf course in which our christmas party was held. A bunch of us had pitched in for a cab & as we arrived we quickly tried to compose ourselves as we walked into the room with our heels still intact.

Ten minutes into the night & I was already working on my second bottle which I kept sitting in my purse. My cheeks were flushed & my head was spinning; the only thing that kept me from falling over were his arms wrapped around my waist as I sat on his lap through out the dinner. Talk about keeping it classy infront of co-workers.

We were well into the night, after sitting closely beside each other-forehead to forehead I had finally managed to get him up on the dance floor with the rest of us. I remember a kiss but after that it is a blurr.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one he kissed that night & our kiss didn't appear to be just a kiss to others but a make out session. Yikes! Mo seemed to have not completely gotten over him after she announced that they would remain just friends since they had their date. Her cuddling & kissing him seemed to prove other wise but than again who am I too judge when I have done the same?

And as if the regrets of that night were not already building up I find out from him that someone had told him that he was trying to take me home & according to someone else I was willing. All I could say was who do I thank for stopping you.

Clearly, classy is not in my vocabulary.

previous entry: It's Absurd These Feelings.

next entry: New Year

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ohhh office parties...I definitely don't miss the ones from my job in Canada. I had a creepy boss who hit on me all the time. She was a very unpleasant lady when turned down.

[i ass youStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Well kudos to you for having an awesome one.

[i ass youStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Classy shmassy. If you had fun, you had fun. But, yeah, good for you for not going home with him and just keeping things casual.

Well, thanks.

[Birrrdy|0 likes] [|reply]

Ha! I just sit down and write one. Maybe 10-15 minutes?

I think I'm just highly dramatic.
Thank you though!

[Birrrdy|0 likes] [|reply]

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