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*Post Secrets*'s Diary
by *Post Secrets*
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*Post Secrets*'s Diary
by *Post Secrets*

previous entry: 26 - Best friend

next entry: 28 - I drink to forget you

27 - 16


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previous entry: 26 - Best friend

next entry: 28 - I drink to forget you

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whoever wrote this one needs to have a serious reality check. having sex with a guy is no way to show that you love him, its most definitely not the only way to show him you love him....especially being so young.

wait a while. don't get pregnant when you're still a baby yourself.

[..toxique..|0 likes] [|reply]

And he obviously wants to wait 'til you're 16 so you can legally have sex with him.

[momma to be♥|0 likes] [|reply]

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