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Always Piney's Diary
by Always Piney

previous entry: Today's plan.

next entry: So tired

Well here's the news.


I went to the job agency place I had to go to.
I am only allowed to work3-14 hours due to my health but good news is I am allowed to work.
Likely only office jobs, but hey!
It's getting there

Today I got home!
I have been away at Tobi's the last two days.
Before that've was at my house we have been today for a good four days it was nice.
I was going to see Morgan on Friday but when I was halfway there (it's about a day by train.)
I got a phone call his brother was in hospital and I would of had to turn around and go home.
So I went and stayed with tobi.

previous entry: Today's plan.

next entry: So tired

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Glad you get to work's a wonderful start!!

[mom2kyle|0 likes] [|reply]

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