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Always Piney's Diary
by Always Piney

previous entry: Show me the way,

next entry: Suicide

When I die..


Hold me when I die don't just package me up and send me to the funeral home.
Hug me and kiss me goodbye.
Put me in my favorite clothes and let me take my favorite ring to the ground with me.
Donate what you can but not my eyes or my skin, I want to be me when I am gone.
Wrap me in a sheet.
Play heavy metal, and dress like your going to a gig.
Sing dance and smile for me just this one last time.
I want this to be a celebration I am not leaving I am just becoming something new.
Don't put me in the ground.
Turn me to ashes plant an nice tree bush etc I would approve of and sprinkle my ashes round it.
Don't name your poor kids after me.
Name your dog or horse after me I would be way more greatful.
And if your going to write a song don't make it all lovey dovey, write something like that girl for a phycho.
Make sure everyone who I care about knows.

previous entry: Show me the way,

next entry: Suicide

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Thanks for sharing that link. That robot was pretty cool. I wonder if they will ever have those in classrooms? I guess it's a possibility one day.

[mom2kyle|0 likes] [|reply]

And this entry disturbs me. I don't want to think about you dying! Although these are good things for people to know if it ever happens, I do agree with that..are you ok?

[mom2kyle|0 likes] [|reply]

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